Mr. Wekwete has a background in mathematical modeling and statistical analysis. Since joining DTA in 2005, Mr. Wekwete has been involved in all aspects of the formation and implementation of special districts to fund infrastructure and services, as well as the sale of over $300 million in Community Facilities District (CFD) bonds. His work has involved the preparation of tax spreads and overlapping debt analyses for the formation and/or sale of bonds for over 50 special districts established throughout California. In this role, Mr. Wekwete has prepared Rates and Methods of Apportionment, CFD and Engineers’ Reports, and documents required for the formation of a CFD, the sale of property, and the annual levying of a special tax.
Furthermore, Mr. Wekwete has completed nearly 30 fiscal and economic impact analyses for a variety of residential, commercial, and mixed-use developments throughout California.
Mr. Wekwete has also been actively involved in the preparation of impact fee studies, especially in the areas of transportation and flood control infrastructure costing and the apportionment of these costs over various land use types based on benefit criteria. His engineering background has enabled him to assist DTA’s Vice President of Engineering Services in preparing applications for State flood control grants under the Prop 84 and Prop 1E Programs, as well as applying a variety of apportionment methodologies to the development of fee studies and the establishment of benefit assessment Districts for public sector clients.
Mr. Wekwete also has experience in the preparation of Tax Increment Analyses, Public Facilities Financing Plans, Stormwater Grants and Implementation Grants, and has performed due diligence services and disclosure documentation for land purchasers, public agencies, and lenders.
Mr. Wekwete received his B.S. in Operations Research & Industrial Engineering from Cornell University and his M.S in Operations Research & Industrial Engineering from Columbia University. Mr. Wekwete has attained his Series 50 licensing as a registered Municipal Advisor with the Securities and Exchange Commission and the Municipal Securities Rulemaking Board.